Done + Dusted X
Jeddah & Riyadh
Show Control Design
Tech Installation
An immersive attraction which saw guests progressively become a superstar over the course of an hour.
This was a journey that took the audience from audition, make-up & costume to striding onto a film set to make a move OR a recording studio to make their album. From there they enter the world of photoshoots, the red carpet, a talk show, a private jet, then sweeping the board at an award ceremony.
The System
Each group was tracked through the show, capturing both video & stills content as they went. This content was processed and returned to the show in real time - photos of them on magazine covers or film posters, even viewing the ‘trailer’ of the film they just made.
Actor Led Flow Control
Our show control system allowed the actors to manage the audience flow of the show. Unlike time-coded audience flow, our system deployed a traffic light method where each room could either be in a ‘Ready’ or ‘Live’ state: this was communicated along the chain of rooms by using subtle red & green lights. The actors had control of starting their own rooms and only let groups continue to the next upon seeing a green light ahead. This allowed for hold ups to be dealt with smoothly and it self regulated to mean no group ever ran into another.
Help Buttons
We also set up a system of ‘help’ buttons which meant actors could call the stage manager to their location without the use of radios.
Dynamic Cues
Individual cue stacks within rooms could change dynamically depending on what choices each group made (like what song they chose to audition to). It also controlled automatic doors as well as triggering lighting, sound and video content. Most importantly it integrated seamlessly with the sophisticated visual content capture and delivery platform provided by The Flash Pack.
The result was a highly slick ‘pulse through’ production that was easily passed over to a local Saudi Arabian stage management crew. Despite being able to offer remote support if required, the system worked flawlessly for it’s entire run.