Secret Cinema
Show Control Design
Game Design & Mechanics
Software Development
Equipment Hire
Tech Installation
Secret Cinema’s immersive production of the well loved Marvel property. Audiences entered a free-roam environment where they could travel between different planets, meeting the characters, watch boxing matches, trade credits, drink in bars, go clubbing and even get sent to prison.
Game Creation
We were tasked with creating an escape room & control system for the prison section of the show. This was a 5 minute ‘head to head’ group game that needed to be as automatic as possible, take different numbers of players, have the minimal amount of reset time and be able to cater for both those with and without accessibility needs. It also had to communicate not only with the lighting & sound depts, but also with the central ‘stock exchange’ that was collecting and rewarding credits to different “clans”.
The task is given to the players by the character of Rocket on a video screen - they need to constantly connect & disconnect different glowing power cubes into sockets, whilst also exchanging them between the two cells. The difficulty could change dynamically depending on how well they were doing. Automatic hints and witty remarks from Rocket punctuated the gameplay.
The singular operator could reset the game in under 30 seconds, and enter player numbers & clan details using a custom touch screen interface (that also needed to fit into the show’s aesthetic). This also allowed them to select an accessible mode which automatically changed the rules of the game and which exit opened at the end.